Sixteen months ago, from a small office above a warehouse, our team nervously set
about making the best insurance website in India. It has been an exciting and learning
InsuringIndia has a wonderful team of people who are passionate about their daily
jobs. Their job is simple – provide the best platform and create the best insurance
buying experience in India.
We’ve had many firsts – from being the first multi-lingual e-commerce website in
India (in 10 languages) to making the first mobile insurance app in India, and our
commitment to innovation is unfailing. This depends on everyone at the office being
confident and comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. Every employee wears several
hats and each one is an equal part of this success.
We make mistakes, but also better decisions, more innovative products, and cutting
edge applications than most other companies. We have a young team – but this team
is willing to learn, take quick decisions, and take ownership and successfully execute
their responsibilities.
As we continue our journey we are always looking for people who produce great ideas
and results that exceed expectations making for an amazing customer experience.